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Together, let's make Saint-Bruno a city where it's good to grow up, flourish and age.

The population of Saint-Bruno is one of the oldest in the agglomeration. 

Every year, households leave Saint-Bruno to find a home that matches their income. Ensemble Saint-Bruno wishes to improve the quality of life of seniors through concrete measures allowing them greater financial and housing autonomy while promoting all forms of solidarity between generations.


Our commitments:

To work with local organizations to encourage home support measures and develop an affordable housing offer for seniors. 

To offer complimentary financial support to people who receive the federal government's guaranteed income supplement to help them have a more decent income. 

Establish a municipal seniors' council.

Better meet the needs of caregivers (respite, work/caregiver balance, emergency card) 

Provide more crosswalks on our commercial streets and improve safety.

Encourage intergenerational activities and spaces (see our "repair cafe" proposal on page X).

Improve snow and ice removal methods on streets, sidewalks, and bike paths to promote active transportation and safety.

The lack of childcare is a major irritant for many parents. 

We will quickly identify opportunities to improve the supply of subsidized daycare for young children (see our commitment in this regard on  under Communiqués)

Access to affordable property is difficult for first-time buyers and young families. 
We will adopt regulations to ensure the construction of affordable housing for families (see: and develop a financial support program for first-time buyers.


Giving youth the place they deserve


In 2018, we adopted our very first Youth Policy, the result of a broad consultation with the youth of Saint-Bruno. As a result, we created activities such as The Youth Festival, the Night of Humour, the Parc Éphémère, and the movie theatre for 16 to 25-year-olds. As of January 2022, we will continue the work of the Youth Tribune to offer even more activities dedicated to our youth.


Speed on the streets is a worry for many families and residents. 

We will facilitate the implementation of street speeding measures.  

Airplane noise is affecting the peace of many neighbourhoods:

Together with citizens, we will initiate sustained representations with the appropriate authorities to reduce the nuisance caused by aircraft noise.


We love the beauty of our built heritage, and we want to protect it. Because Montarvillian's value their living environment, home remodelling is a sensitive issue in many neighbourhoods.

We will provide specific neighbourhoods with an architectural policy that respects the existing built heritage.  

We will maintain and increase the budget allocated to street repairs to continue upgrading the infrastructure.

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Merci pour votre soutien !

Payé et autorisé par Émilie Roy, agente officielle d'Ensemble Saint-Bruno

Abonnez vous à l'infolettre : Soyez au courant des principales nouvelles et de nos grands engagements

Merci pour votre soutien !

Payé et autorisé par Émilie Roy, agente officielle d'Ensemble Saint-Bruno

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